Nuclear Medicine

Incorporation Counter ISOMED 2163

Thyroid Counter with one-culumn stand

The Incorporation Counter ISOMED 2163 consists of:

According to the German Radiation Protection Ordinance and the ”Directive for Physical Radiation Protection Control“, a frequent incorporation check to calculate the partial body dose of the thyroid has to be performed on all employees of a radioiodine therapy ward. The monitoring interval for I-131 is 2 weeks.

Normally, the incorporation measurements are carried out at a licensed, external measuring institute. Due to the distance, is time consuming, a high strain on the employees and also on organising the sequence of work in the hospital. Addi- tionally to the time and organising efforts and the external incorporation monitoring also requires rather high costs.

As an alternative to the external monitoring, a frequent measurement of the partial body dose on own responsibility is possible and has been proved in practice with the incorpo- ration monitor ISOMED 2163.


Incorporation programme Ink2000

Incorporation Program

Essential characteristics are

The incorporation programme Ink2000 is meant for routine incorporation measurement. The measuring system measu- res the count rates of the thyroid and calculates the thyroid activity. In addition to the activity, the accumulated dose over a de?nable time period is calculated too. Measurement and evaluation are possible for I-123, I-125 and I-131. Together with personnel data, the examination results and evaluati- ons can be stored in a database, printed as a protocol and transmitted via a network. They ful?l the requirements of the governmental institutes.

The programme Ink2000 works on PC-basis as a Windows application. The used menu technique guarantees a simple operation.

A combination with the thyroid programme Upt2000 using the same hardware is possible.

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